06/16/11 Videos | Petra, Maine Wildlife Photos | Ken Anderson http://www.petramainewildlife.com/061611-videos/ en Wed, 07 Sep 2011 19:43:15 -0400 http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss Sandvox 2.1.8 primos20110616t230428PRMS0003 http://www.petramainewildlife.com/061611-videos/primos20110616t230428prms00.html <div class="article-summary"><p>In this short night video, a bird and a moth fly across the screen. The camera is a Primos Truth Cam 35 wildlife camera, which has been mounted to a tree facing a small clearing in the forests of Petra, Maine for several days. We last saw a young whitetail deer here and, before that, a couple of moose. </p></div> Thu, 11 Aug 2011 02:52:52 -0400 http://www.petramainewildlife.com/061611-videos/primos20110616t230428prms00.html bird and mothbird videomoth videobird at nightmoth flying at nightflying birdwildlife cameraprimostruth camtruth cam 35petra maine