06/15/11 10:44:33

White-tailed deer

For the first time, the young whitetail deer has detected the clicking of the wildlife camera. A Primos Truth Cam 35 camera is mounted to a tree facing into this small clearing. When set to take photographs, the camera will take a series of from three to five photographs in rapid succession, after detecting both movement and body heat. Each time a photo is taken, there is an audible click. My experience has been that wild animals are at first alarmed, then curious of the camera, but in the end they rightly determine that it is not a threat. In these woods, a black bear has attacked it a couple of times, gummed the lens up with its nose another time, and used it as a backscratcher on another occasion, the latter event occuring at this same camera location. Moose have also gotten close and personal with the camera.

© Ken Anderson 2011